Welcome to Inclusive Digital Video Training in Youth Work platform.
The aim of Inclusive Digital Video Training in Youth Work (InDVT) platform is to increase the capacity of youth workers and trainers in inclusive digital video training, suitable for youth non-formal education, via offering of training materials and examples.
In the last years the inclusive digital video training becomes more and more popular in the formal education and sometimes it is even officially used in the educational curricula, but in most of the cases the out of school activities still does not involve standardized approach in using the digital video. One of the main reasons for that is not the lack of digital video materials, but the lack of methodology and systematic approach which enables the youth workers to select the appropriate materials in their work. The selection of video resources for training purposes is a process and needs some qualification. While it is already identified as a problem in the formal education and there are already some debates and proposals how to select such resources for formal education there is still a lack of such materials for youth non-formal education. Currently, there are thousands of videos, related to “inclusive education” search. In such big variety, trainers could have lost themselves and it is very difficult to assess the content, quality and educational aims of the particular video.
The online platform target group are youth workers and youth trainers. The focus area in which the project results could be used is non-formal youth training (youth exchanges, youth out-of-school trainings, etc.)
The InDVT platform proposes concise methodology and training materials for the selection and implementation of digital video resources for non-formal inclusive youth education. The Online Learning Management System (LMS) contains training materials, practical cases and tests suitable for youth workers/trainers; Among other materials, the Resources section offers structured examples of videos bounded with the respective meta-data in order to support the trainers to orient themselves more easily.
Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This project reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.