Title: I’m An Immigrant, But I’m not a monster.

Category Migrants
Author BuzzFeedYellow
Producer / Owner BuzzFeed
Copyright Conditions Standard YouTube License
Duration 2:14
Public Download Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98V_m2xuFRM
Sound Language English
Subtitles automatic English subtitles

The main ideas of the video is to accept different cultures and freedom.

Message: Not to judge other nationalities or situations just because they are different. The main point is focus on the acceptance of differences, to respond with social tolerance and not with borders. Based on the idea of “we are all human beings”, “if the room would be in fire, we would all run”. Our skin colour, mother tongue or passport does not matter.

Content Quality, Easy Understandable Content
Clear Educational Goal
Technical Quality Of The Movie
Universal Issues Covered
Intercultural Issues Covered