Title: The Most Beautiful Thing (Short Film)

Category Disability
Author Cameron Covell
Producer / Owner Cameron Covell
Copyright Conditions Standard YouTube License
Duration 10:43
Public Download Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP8psM4LWXk
Sound Language English
Subtitles 100 languages

The whole video is based on values such as love and loyalty. People can communicate in different languages. The story presented makes us realize that sign language is also one of way to talk with people. Communication plays an important part in understanding and expressing them. A significant message behind the video is that eagerness to know each other better should go from both sides – Brandon is learning sign language, Emily is trying to speak. The story presented in the video is universal for every culture. In all cultures we have people with disabilities – here deafness – and the only way to include them is to treat them equally with the rest of the society. Respect is the key to unity. We are all different and thanks to that we can learn from each other. Learning about one’s differences leads to better understanding and to respect.

Content Quality, Easy Understandable Content
Clear Educational Goal
Technical Quality Of The Movie
Universal Issues Covered
Intercultural Issues Covered